Behind the Scenes

When you start a business, it’s not always pretty; it’s stressful and messy. It causes many sleepless nights (hello bags under my eyes). Throwing 100% of yourself into creating something of your own, without anyone’s help, can be very scary. My motto has always been: “With hard work and determination, you can achieve anything.” You need to have a strong, positive mindset, and believe in your product.

I launched Purelynut in December of 2019. I was jobless at the time, in a transition. I jumped right in. It was nerve-wracking to put my products out there and start selling, but I believed in them. There was also a need for vegan and gluten-free desserts. People are transitioning, more and more, to a plant based diet. I told myself, I have nothing to lose. I could always go back to the corporate world (even though I knew deep down, that was out of the question). I wanted to use my marketing knowledge to help grow my own business. The extensive research started. I looked for vendors, ingredients, packaging. I even Googled how to use social media to promote a product, and how to start a baking business.

 I’ve always enjoyed baking. One of my favourite things to do is cook and bake for my friends and family, so we can enjoy it together – it’s my love language. One thing led to the next, and Purelynut was born.  Like every other business owner, I was not prepared for a pandemic. It hit me hard. I was slowly building a name for corporate events. I’d even built a website for customers to order online, and I offered delivery. Slowly but surely it started growing again. A year later, I decided to incorporate my business and got my food license (MAPAQ). I wanted to pursue this even further.

When you set out to follow your passion, not everyone will understand where you’re coming from. At first, my family didn’t get it: “How could I leave a steady income, and risk everything to start a baking business?” A part of me wanted to prove them wrong. 

How lucky am I, to be able to lean on my amazing friends and family. They’ve all been so encouraging, through the ups and downs. I’m also thankful to all the talented and inspiring entrepreneurs I've met throughout this journey. And, most of all, thank you to my wonderful clients. I love connecting, hearing your feedback, and sometimes discussing our IBS issues. 

Do what scares you, even if you’re alone. It’ll be much more satisfying in the end. 

As always, I’m beyond grateful for all of you.

Rima Libarian
Founder of Purelynut